Reset shop button

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Reset shop button

Post by tihon_lychnik »

Я предлагаю сделать в разделе улучшения кнопку сброс или кнопку при нажатии на раздел улучшеного параметра кнопку (сброс) чтобы вернуть потраченые в пустую самоцветы, ведь это мошет случится с многими ползавателями а самотцветов уже нет :(

tranlation by stratego:
I propose to make a reset button in the improvement section or a button when you click on the improved parameter section (reset) to return the wasted gems, because this can happen to many crawlers and there are no more gems

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Last edited by tihon_lychnik on Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Reset shop button

Post by b2198 »

So, from what I understood, it's a suggestion for a way to "respec" the upgrades, right? If so, I'm not sure if that would work well, because if you had enough gems to unlock a single column in the upgrade menu, you could unlock all units in the game by using that repeatedly (though wouldn't be able to use some in this specific scenario due to some requiring stuff from other columns to produce/research, but still). For example:
  1. player joins a game
  2. buys some column in the upgrade menu that has some mercenaries in it
  3. sets some factories to train those
  4. respecs the upgrades
  5. buys some column that has some ships in it
  6. sets some TCs and docks to train those
  7. respecs the upgrades
  8. buys some column that has a few romans in it
  9. builds a roman garrison and starts producing them
  10. etc.
So if that was possible it would defeat the purpose of the upgrade menu, while also making it much more awkward to use for newer players.

Maybe if the "respec" was limited to like, once a year, it might work with less room for people to exploit?
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Re: Reset shop button

Post by godOfKings »

One thing can b done is make it a spell like view spell or campaign unlock spell, one time use, buy with gems, so u r essentially wasting gems for a chance to check a new upgrade page, may b can b given for free like other spells in daily gifts
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Re: Reset shop button

Post by tihon_lychnik »

Хм я согласен на тему заклинания пусть бы их довали за ежедневный вход или за прохождение кампаний. И пусть игрок не может сбросить улучшения пока не завершит игру с другими игроками т. к. В однй из игр. Или добавить настройку с определёнными юнитами или без них...
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