Strings file formats

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Stratego (dev)
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Strings file formats

Post by Stratego (dev) »

In strings file you can name things in game here is the list of the special things

You need to escape the ' character: like this: \'

In "alternative" (eg. AOS/AOF) level strings:

Unit/tech name
exact unit type name

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<string name="UNIT_CORSAIR_SHIP">Corsair Ship</string>
<string name="TECH_ELEPHANT_RUN">Elephant Run</string>
Unit/tech descriptions
exact unit type name with extra _TXT_ in it after UNIT or TECH

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    <string name="UNIT_TXT_CORSAIR_SHIP">A specialist ship/crew for a hire. Mainly used to capture the ships, not destroy them. But when the damage would be too great or no other option to survive - it can also destroy using cannons. Unique in versality - they often had many contacts to buy or sell ships quickly, so could even appear somewhere else to fight. It\'s also often more safe to quickly get rid of war ships and just get easier transportable goods instead.</string>
 <string name="TECH_TXT_ELEPHANT_RUN">Enables all elephant units to sacrifice action for +2 movement this turn.</string>
Effect name:
exact effect type name

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<string name="EFFECT_GUN_SHOT_DAMAGE">Gun Damage</string>
Terrain name
TERR_<terrain type name>

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<string name="TERR_TERRAINS_PLAINSWALKABLE">plains</string>
By their exact category name

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    <string name="U_LEADER">Leader</string>
    <string name="U_CONVINCER">Convincer</string>
    <string name="U_MERCENARY_LEADER">Mercenary Leader</string>
In "alternative" (eg. AOS/AOF) NoN TRANSLATABLE level strings:

Skin pack names:
<pack name>__S

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<string name="TEMPEST__S">Tempest</string>

In core strings file:

SPEC_<spec name>

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    <string name="SPEC_ATTACK_FIRST_STRIKE">First strike</string>
    <string name="SPEC_CAN_NOT_COUNTERATTACK">No counter attack</string>
Effect spec actions:

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    <string name="ESPEC_BYPASS_SPELL_RESISTANCE">Ignores Spell Resistance</string>
    <string name="ESPEC_RESISTED_BY_DODGE_MELEE">Resisted by Melee Dodge</string>
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