Collection thread: Shared techs among races (stealables)

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Stratego (dev)
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Collection thread: Shared techs among races (stealables)

Post by Stratego (dev) »


i opened this topic for collecting ideas whiihc tech of one race stealed by other race can grant which tech of its own.

i though of these possible "categories" of these tech relations:
the main join relations i can think of:
- SAME-SHARED relation: when exactly the same tech is inventable (eg. same Reach tech is available for dwarves and humans).
- DIRECT relation: so one tech on one race have similar tech on other race (eg. dwarf cannoneering -> human ballisitcs) or something.
- ANTI-HOW-TO-BEAT relation: when one race tech, learned by the enemy race will give it some means of better fighting against those enemy unit affected by that tech (eg: undead renimation tech could give humans basic melee blacksmith tech or something like that)
- ANTI: some direct anti tech: so a tech that give an effect(eg. poison) so a race will unlock a tech that can cure that poison in other race (eg. herbal tech, any heal tech, any chemical resistance tech)

and there can be much more relation types (categories) we can figure out

We already have these ideas:

(green ones are the "seems cool"the black ones are the "little-sound-weird" ideas)

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Summoning skeleton dragons <-> summons of woodshaper — treant, dendroid and ent. [type: ?]
- Bone constructs <-> elders of elves (to unlock ent warriors and co). [type: ?]
- Bone sight might <-> nature call. [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- arcane spell power <-> arcane spell power [type: DIRECT]
- arcane spell range <-> arcane spell range [type: DIRECT]
- weapon tech <-> weapon tech [type: DIRECT]
- armor tech <-> armor tech [type: DIRECT]
- shield techs <-> shield techs[type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- arcane spell power <-> arcane spell power [type: DIRECT]
- arcane spell range <-> arcane spell range [type: DIRECT]
- weapon tech <-> weapon tech [type: DIRECT]
- armor tech <-> armor tech [type: DIRECT]
- shield techs <-> shield techs[type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- arcane spell power <-> arcane spell power [type: DIRECT]
- arcane spell range <-> arcane spell range [type: DIRECT]

- weapon tech <-> weapon tech [type: DIRECT]
- armor tech <-> armor tech [type: DIRECT]
- shield techs <-> shield techs[type: DIRECT]

- Blessing <-> curse (obviously). [type: ANTI]
- Bone sight<->town patrol. [type: DIRECT]

dwarf <-> undead
- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Curse <-> blessing [type: ANTI]
- Cannibalism<->holy light. [type: ANTI-HOW-TO-BEAT]
- Animate dead <-> rune of living fire / rune of chilling steel. [type: ANTI]

dwarf <-> orc:
- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Grenade launcer <-> dwarven cannons [type: DIRECT]
- Poison weapons <-> rune of healing [type: ANTI]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Orcs skin <-> calcified bones 1 (tier 2 if 1st is researched).[type: DIRECT]
- Orc drake/dragon/wyrm summoning <-> skeleton drake/dragon/wyrm summoning.[type: DIRECT]
- Arcane training 1 <-> arcane range 1.[type: DIRECT]
- Arcane training 2 <-> arcane power 1.[type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Poison weapons <-> lembas. [type: ANTI]
- Dragon summons <-> woodshaper summons.[type: DIRECT]
- Pillagers training lv1 <-> wisps training lv1[type: DIRECT]
- Arcane training 1 <-> arcane range/power 1.[type: DIRECT]
- Arcane training 2 <-> arcane range/power 2.[type: DIRECT]

- Orc skin <-> dodge melee 1. [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Arcane training 1 <-> arcane range/power 1.[type: DIRECT]
- Arcane training 2 <-> arcane range/power 2.[type: DIRECT]

- Goblin grenade <-> area damage 1 (for catapults tech). [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Orc skin <-> kobold nimbleness. [type: DIRECT]
- Goblin shout <-> spear training 1. [type: DIRECT]
- Mountain kin <-> salamanders. [type: DIRECT]
- Dragons summoning <-> dino transformations for kobold caster. [type: DIRECT]
- Shamanic training 1/2 <-> seers stone 1/2. [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Reach tech <-> spear training 2 of scalefolks. [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Tier 3 blacksmith tech for attack <-> tier 1 for melee tech of elves. [type: DIRECT]
- Throwing techs of scalefolks <-> same level of throwing techs for elves. [type: DIRECT]
- Transformations for kobold <-> summons of woodshaper [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Tier 3 blacksmith tech for attack <-> tier 1 for melee tech of humans [type: DIRECT]
- Throwing techs of scalefolks <-> same level of throwing techs for humans. [type: DIRECT]
- Reach tech of humans <-> spear training 2 of scalefolks. [type: DIRECT]
- Transformations for kobold <-> blessing of humans. [type: DIRECT]

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- blessing <-> blessing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- reach tech <-> reach tech [type: SAME-SHARED]

- They also have both divine techs which are fine to be shared/linked. (i could not find which techs are these.)

- Writing <-> Writing [type: SAME-SHARED]
- Nature casters techs tier 1/2 <-> corresponding divine casters techs tier 1/2 of dwarves. [type: DIRECT]

Also We can make any or all of the SAME-SHARED techs to be DIRECT ones by making a new tech for the race that is "almost" the same as for other race, suggesions:
- Writing: seems weird that scaledfolkss and orcs can read and write, so they could have some other icon and naming for the same tech.
- reach: (owned by dwarf & human) we can make that one race have slightly different effect (and tech image) on reach tech - however this one can also stay as it is as seems fairly ok.
- blessing: (owned by dwarf & human) we can make that one race have slightly different effect (and tech image) on blessing tech - however this one can also stay as it is as seems fairly ok.
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Re: Collection threaD: Shared techs among races (stealables)

Post by makazuwr32 »

Holy light and both runes are type {Anti-how-to-beat}.
Wisps and pillagers — only tier 1.
makazuwr32 wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:54 amWhen you ask to change something argument why...
Put some numbers, compare to what other races have and so on...
© by Makazuwr32™.
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Stratego (dev)
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Re: Collection threaD: Shared techs among races (stealables)

Post by Stratego (dev) »

Holy light
ok updated - but i was not sure. feels like the poison-healing ANTI but not sure.
runes are type {Anti-how-to-beat}.

"Rune of healing <-> poison weapon." is the exact axample for "ANTI" with poison <> herbal/healing
so this should remain ANTI.
Wisps and pillagers — only tier 1.
ok! updated.
Stratego (dev)
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Re: Collection thread: Shared techs among races (stealables)

Post by Stratego (dev) »

new classification:
- SAME-SHARED relation: when exactly the same tech is inventable (eg. same Reach tech is available for dwarves and humans).

also with red a suggestion to make same-shared ones to be Direct if needed.
Stratego (dev)
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Re: Collection thread: Shared techs among races (stealables)

Post by Stratego (dev) »

i have also signalled green the ones that does not sound "weird" :)

the black ones to be kept as reserve if we wil have no enough better ideas.
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