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Trigger - Unit Objs In Area ANSWERED

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 1:38 am
by Puss_in_Boots
Going back to map editor, I find needs to cut extra effort out for the same results/ effects.

I need to know if leaving -NO TYPES- for cond: objs in area will generalize the condition or not function at all. If so, I suggest making it general too like objs change owner in area & objs enable in area.

Thank you in advance Daniel!

Re: Trigger - Unit Objs In Area

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 2:16 am
by tamtam12345
I am not sure performance of "NO TYPES" in other triggers.
However, if you select "NO TYPES" in condition "objs in area", it will include all (playerx) unit in that area. It performs well.
E.g.Condition :Objs in area
Select "NO TYPES", 5 , Player 1,

= If any five(>=5) (player 1) unit is in that area,

Re: Trigger - Unit Objs In Area

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 2:36 am
by Puss_in_Boots
Thanks Tamtam12345, now I can continue with more certainties.